Logo de My Optical

Heures d'ouverture

10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 18:00
10:00 - 16:00

M-F 10am-6pm, Sa 10am-4pm, Su Closed

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Cette entrée est maintenue par :

My Optical Opticien

1110 Pennsylvania Ave
11207 Brooklyn


My Optical provides a wide range of eye care services to patients in Brooklyn, NY and surrounding areas.  These services include: eye  exams for contact lenses  and eyeglasses, LASIK surgery referrals, Pterygium treatment, Astigmatism treatment, Macular Degeneration treatment, Glaucoma, Dry Eye and Cataract treatments and many more.
In addition to the comprehensive ophthalmology care  provided at My Optical, the practice also features an optical front with a wide array of optical  frames and contact lenses to suit everyone and every budget.  Many of the frames found in the store are covered by insurances. The choices range from budget eyewear to the latest styles from the most  popular designers.
Ophthalmic  lenses  from the leading  manufacturers such as  Kodak, Zeiss, and Varilux come in various types and options, including single vision, bifocal, thin and light, anti-glare, transition, and progressive lenses. Contact lenses are available for all needs, from regular prescription to high astigmatism or bifocal.
The staff  at My Optical always puts their patients first. Patients can call anytime for an appointment. The staff will schedule the appointment at the patient's convenience, and urgent needs are addressed promptly. Dr. Alexandrov and the entire staff at My Optical look forward to seeing you, so call to arrange an appointment today!

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