
Ohio Foot and Ankle Center in Canton

Logo de Ohio Foot and Ankle Center

Heures d'ouverture

08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00
08:30 - 17:00

M-F 8:30am-5pm, Sa-Su Closed

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Ohio Foot and Ankle Center Médecins

4642 Hills and Dales NW
44708 Canton


About Practice
Ohio Foot and Ankle Center is a full-service podiatric practice that serves patients in Canton, Uniontown, and Stow, Ohio. The team welcomes patients and all members of their family, from children to seniors, to the practice.
The expert board-certified foot and ankle surgeons and podiatry-trained physicians assistants and providers collaborate to provide comprehensive care for arthritis, ankle injuries, bunions, hammertoes, neuropathy, and more. With the ability to provide treatments in-house, patients can get all of their needs met under one roof. The practice has a high success rate for conservative treatment plans that may include physical therapy, custom orthotics, braces, injections, and other nonsurgical solutions.
When surgery is necessary, patients can expect care with a highly trained provider. Ohio Foot and Ankle Center is one of the only practices in the area that performs total ankle replacements. The foot and ankle surgeons also specialize in advanced limb salvage techniques and have the lowest rate of limb loss.
Because the practice has a team of podiatric providers on staff at each location, quicker appointment scheduling is available. New and existing patients can conveniently book visits through the online portal or over the phone with the clinic that’s most convenient for them.

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