Logo de Ron Hernandez, DDS

Heures d'ouverture

09:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00
08:00 - 17:00

M 9am-6pm, Tu-Th 8am-5pm, F-Su Closed

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Ron Hernandez, DDS Médecins

36640 Fremont Blvd
94536 Fremont


Our practice, conveniently located in Fremont, CA, is committed to providing you with the highest level of dental care possible while balancing the financial needs of each patient. We proudly offer a complete range of dental services, including preventative services like routine cleanings and exams, as well as a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services, such as Invisalign® and Zoom!® In-Office Teeth Whitening.

Whether you just need a routine cleaning or a complete mouth restoration, Fremont dentist Dr. Ron Hernandez and his professional and accommodating staff will treat you like a member of the family. We invite you to experience the difference it makes when your dentist treats you like a member of the family. You comfort is our highest priority, and we look forward to assisting you with all your dental health needs.

The practice of Dr. Ron Hernandez invites you and your family to receive comprehensive care in general, restorative, cosmetic and preventive dentistry. We see patients of all ages, from children to seniors, so your whole family can receive quality dental treatment.

Our comfortable atmosphere is designed to help you feel at ease. Built from a restored house, our practice retains the cozy look and feel of a real home, avoiding the unpleasant clinical environment of the typical dental office. Our friendly staff enjoys getting to know patients and will help you and your children feel comfortable receiving care from us. We believe in educating our patients and helping them understand all their options. Dr. Hernandez and his experienced staff will explain every step of the treatment process to you.

We are proud that our established practice has been treating patients in Fremont, Union City, Newark, Hayward, and Alameda for 40 years. We hope our website will aid you in learning more about us and what we can do to improve your smile. Please review our dental care services on our website and schedule an appointment with us soon!

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